HERA invited over 50 artists for a special project in Bayreuth in Germany. The building, part of the Maisel & Friends and Liebesbier Brewery, and currently a construction site, will be an art hotel (opening in 2022).
The artist was given an unusual space to work with: a bridge linking two buildings with three sides – and she decided to transform it into a box! The front depicts a man crawling and trying to get out of the box, while the back shows his feet coming through the cardboard. The bottom is painted too with a crease and brown tape. The piece is both surprising and amusing for the audience walking by, with a deeper meaning about not fitting where we belong.
“The Box” – Zabou – 2x 7×3,5m – Bayreuth, Germany – 2021
Photo credit: Zabou
Work in progress:
Photo credit: Simon Markhof