Vukovar is a town in Croatia, located at the border with Serbia. Despite a tragic history of destruction and emigration, the town has flourished into a beautiful open gallery, now hosting 18 large-scale murals organised by Vukovart.
For this project, I chose to depict the theme ‘Home is where your heart is’: even if you may not have a physical house, your home is always within you. The feeling of home can be memories, nature, family, a passion and a lot more. I painted a portrait of my Croatian friend Sanja, holding a key, with a house is set in transparency onto her chest/heart. The background has a mix of pastel colours (blues, pinks, oranges) and sights of Vukovar. The mural is located next to the Danube river, opposite a newly renovated path for pedestrians and cyclists.
“Home is where your heart is” – Zabou – 10x11m – Vukovar, Croatia – 2019
Photo credit: (1) Zabou, Rest: Vukovart